
What is the Professional Dancer Audition’s mission?

This application make digitalize both the administrative tasks in preparation for an audition and the manual steps production companies and dancers take during an audition process.
How might we minimize the stress and distractions during an audition so that dancers can focus on what they do best.
You can click here to check the Digital interactive prototype.
Project Overview
UX Process

For Discovering The Problems:

To start we interviewed 4 users to develop a mobile app that meets the need of professional dancers.
We discovered the following:
1- Dancers appreciate their agency and the value that agencies provide.
2- Auditions have customary routines that are manual and laborious.
3- Dancers have multiple stressors when attending an audition.
User Insights
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis

After our research was completed, we came up with a lot of valuable data and we discovered many problems. The next step in our design process is to analyze the data and define the major design problems that should be addressed in our design. Using the data from research, I define the Persona and develop the User Journey and Scenario.

User Persona

According to what MJ wants:

He wants a stress-free and digitalized audition process for professional dancers and an instant and more efficient resume and headshot updating process.

User Problem:

Auditions serve as an opportunity for production companies to view and cast professional dancers for various roles. The customary routine of these auditions is manual and provides unwanted stress for dancers when they are preparing.


Digitalize both the administrative tasks in preparation for an audition and the manual steps production companies and dancers take during an audition process.
User flow

Wireframes, Iterations, and Testing


Testing Plan:

Main object for testing was to ensure users can easily navigate through and complete the following features on the app:
1- Confirm an audition from their agency.
2- Upload a headshot to audition packet.
3- Create new resume and add to audition packet.
4- Present QR code for audition.

Test Result :

Users were able to successfully complete all tasks. The following feedback led to iterations for improvement:
1- Home screen “Audition Cards” original design led to confusion about the calendar’s usage.
2- Agency messaging tab should also include dancers within the agency
Final Design and Implementation
You can click here to check the Digital interactive prototype.
Project Impact and Reflection